Absence from School

Child Safety, Absence and Illness

In the interests of child safety parents should advise the school by 9.30am if their child is unable to attend school that day. Please update the school if the absence continues. This will allow the child’s absence to be registered as authorised. If we do not receive notification, we are obliged to register the child’s absence as unauthorised. Any child who is late to school, unless for an unavoidable reason which is notified to the school, e.g. car break down, also has to be registered as an unauthorised absentee.

When it comes to minimising the spread of sickness and diarrhoea bugs it is vital thal all children, and staff members, follow the clear guidance from the Department of Health; that is that children, and adults, should not return to school until 48 hours after the last episode of sickness or diarrhoea.

Advice on how long to keep your child off school for can be found on the following nhs websites:



Absence for Medical Appointments

Please send in a written note if you wish to take your child out of school for a medical/dental appointment, and enclose a copy of the appointment card/hospital letter where available.
School Hours
Gates open 8:40am
Registeration 8:55am
Pick up 3:15pm
Total hours 32 hours 55 minutes

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