Design and Technology


Through progressive and purposeful planning, children will be equipped with the relevant disciplinary skills and broad substantive knowledge required to become creative, imaginative and reflective problem solvers.



The children at Wivelsfield Primary School are provided with a clear and comprehensive Design and Technology learning journey via a whole school curriculum. This allows the children to develop their subject knowledge (substantive knowledge), skills (disciplinary knowledge) and creativity through carefully planned steps.

Throughout their time at Wivelsfield, children investigate and evaluate existing products, as well and designing, producing and evaluating their own products. The children will experience a range of projects including textiles, construction, electronics and food and nutrition as well as cross-curricular links with history, science and maths. All projects culminate in creating a product with purpose in mind and an intended user for the product.

The children at Wivelsfield will be inspired by design and technology of the past and present and learn to think critically about the impacts of design and technology on everyday life and the wider world. The children will be encouraged to be creative and resourceful throughout their learning and to reflect on how to persevere throughout the designing and making processes.

All KS1 and KS2 use ‘projects on a page’ style documents within their design books. These books will follow children through the school to demonstrate their progression. To celebrate, motivate and inspire the children design and technology work is displayed within classrooms and corridors. The school also organises design and technology themed activities such as cake sales, design competitions and whole school installations to share their learning between home and school.



Through the well-planned and focussed teaching of Design and Technology, children will leave Wivelsfield Primary school with a developed understanding of the skills and knowledge required to design and make functional products. The children will have developed a curiosity of how products have been made and use this to innovate and design their own products. Alongside this, the children will understand the need to design and make with purpose in mind whilst being authentic and creative designers.

Design and Technology at Wivelsfield