
Welcome to Robins!

Mrs Gates

Class Teacher

Monday - Wednesday

Miss Parris

Class Teacher

Wednesday - Friday

Miss Mason

Teaching Assistant

Monday-Friday - all day
Wednesday- PPA cover

Key Information
Daily routine - The Robins will use the KS1 gate at 8:40am and be collected at 3:15pm from the rear of the classroom. 
Daily - Please bring your book bag, reading pack, coat and water bottle into school everyday.  Please ensure long hair is tied back.
PE - Tuesday mornings  Please come to school in your black trainers, PE kit and with black/grey joggers and a school jumper/fleece if the weather is colder.  

 Forest School -We have a wonderful outdoor classroom and spacious school grounds which are utilised and explored during regular Forest School session led by Ms Vince on Tuesday morning.  Please come to school in Forest School appropriate clothing, with school uniform in a bag.  Dates for this term will be coming out soon in a separate letter.


Reading Books - The children will be sent home with a reading pack containing a reading book(s) and any other key information.  Please ensure your reading pack in is your book-bag everyday.

Reading books will be collected every Friday morning and then changed and handed out on Friday afternoon.  Don't forget to write a comment in the Reading Record so we know how your Robin got on.  If appropriate, we will also change your Robins reading book after hearing them read in the classroom.  
Please read with your Robin as often as you can.  It is good practice to read the same books a few times as this supports your child's fluency, comprehension and literacy skills.

Library books - In addition to borrowing a school reading book, the Robins will be able to choose their own school  library book to share with you at home.  This will help to develop the children’s love of reading.  It is important that your child sees you reading, so please read as much as possible together.  Library books will be collected on Thursday morning.


Key Words - Attached to the children's Reading Records are bookmarks containing their keywords.  These are the most common words they will encounter at this age which link to their phonics learning. If your child is able to read a key word on the bookmark from sight, they will be highlighted by a member of staff and moved onto a new bookmark when appropriate.  We aim to check the children's key words once a week.
Star Moments - Star Moments are used to celebrate a range of achievements at home such as getting dressed independently, trying a new food, learning to ride a bike or sports milestone.  These Moments will be shared with the class.  See below for a Star Moments sheet which can be printed at home.

Robin of the Week - Every Friday, one child per class is awarded the ‘Robin of the Week’.  This is awarded for amazing effort, achievement, progress or development. The child receives a certificate which they keep and Rosie the Robin, who they are asked to look after until the following Wednesday when they should return it to school.  

Tapestry is a fantastic online Learning Journal used to record and share the children's learning with parents and carers.  Staff will update Tapestry with all the fun activities, adventures and experiences the children will encounter during Reception as well as updates and messages from Miss Parris.  It is also a great chance for parents to share achievements and milestones outside of school.
An email has been sent out containing your Tapestry login details - if you are having issues logging in, please contact Miss Parris.
Summer Term
In Robins, our curriculum is often led by the children’s interests and hobbies. Our weekly learning focuses on a Key Text which links to our half-term topic.  Using rich texts helps build the children’s literacy skills and love of books as well as making direct links to other areas of the curriculum.  

Our summer topics are “Animals and the environment” and “Food”. Through these topics the children will be discovery more about different types of animals, their habitats and growth journeys. We will also explore the world around us and the part we play in protecting it. Later in the summer the children will be exploring the topic of food and where our imported food comes from.



Child Initiated Learning
"Own Learning Time"
Play is one of the main ways in which children learn and develop. It helps to build self worth by giving a child a sense of his or her own abilities and to feel good about themselves.  It also encourages their imagination and communication skills in addition while giving them time to process and consolidate literacy and maths concepts.
The Early Years Foundation Stage framework is broken down into 7 key areas of learning:
  1. Communication and Language, 
  2. Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 
  3. Physical Development, 
  4. Literacy, 
  5. Mathematics, 
  6. Understanding the World,
  7. and Expressive Arts and Design.
Our classroom environments support the learning of these key areas with carefully thought out activities and resources aimed to simulate and inspire learning, creativity, independence and social skills.  
Small Group Learning
"Fruit Groups"
The children also have the opportunity to learn with an adult within a small group.  This allows the adults to focus on the children's needs and abilities, providing constructive feedback and reassurance while learning, developing and strengthening key skills together.